
Whether you already own George A. Sturdevant products or are just considering adding our state-of-the-art line to your arsenal, our Resources department provides a wealth of information right at your fingertips. Online and downloadable product specifications, operational manuals, charts and calculation aides, videos, frequently asked questions and more are available free for your use anytime you need them. Customer service is at the heart of everything we do at George A. Sturdevant, so if you need information that you don’t see here, give us a call or send an email. We’ll do everything possible to help!


Note: George A. Sturdevant, Inc. operates as FASTORQ in the United States and Canada. Some of the product information presented on this website carries the FASTORQ brand.  All materials presented here represent the George A. Sturdevant and FASTORQ brands equally.  All warranty information, product descriptions, photographs and illustrations apply to both companies’ product lines.