Posts Tagged 'AutoTORQ Hydraulic Chain Pipe Wrench'

Tool Safety Features That Really Make a Difference

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10 Design Traits to Look For in Your Tool Purchases

Seat belts, air bags, flame resistant clothing and many other safety improvements are a benefit of modern living.  Thankfully, tool safety features are no stranger to the same safety evolution.

Tool operators no longer have to live with archaic practices and behind-the-times tool design. Nut splitters now replace the unsafe practices of blowtorches and slugging wrenches. Safe tools are available, but you just need to ...

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Safety’s Best Friend: AutoTORQ Hydraulic Chain Pipe Wrench

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A drilling deck is a dangerous place. There’s no doubt about it. If you could remove the biggest safety offender, wouldn’t you?

Each year, tongs and come-a-longs are used on drilling decks, in shops and around pipe yards to turn pipe. Also, each year, a significant number of people are injured, and even killed, using this method to turn pipe. It is even a major concern for OSHA. There is a better way – the AutoTORQ Hydraulic Chain Pipe Wrench.

The AutoTORQ ...

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